Monday, November 25, 2013

Blogging Reflection

  1. If I could tell a class who wanted to join quadblogging I would say that quadblogging is really interesting because you get to comment on someone else's learning. Not only that but you also get lots of feedback on your learning.
  2. I think a good comment is to start a conversation by asking lots of questions.
  3. My favourite  part of blogging is getting to share my learning with others.
  4. Blogging helps with my learning because when I receive comments I get lots of feedback.
  5. If I could make any changes to quadblogging I would probably make it that you comment on all the  blogs instead of just one blog a week so you get comments on your blog every week.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Vinegar+Baking Soda Experiments

On Thursday the 14th of November room 12 did some cool experiments with Mrs Demchy. First we got a glass bottle and filled it up with vinegar. Then we filled a balloon with baking soda and carefully put it on the bottle. Mrs D shook the bottle and all the carbon dioxide created blew up the balloon. For the second experiment we got two plastic bags. we filled one up with vinegar an another with baking soda. in the second bag where we put the baking soda we cut a hole in the corner so the baking soda could escape. We shook the bag and after a while the bag popped and squirted all over everyone! For the third experiment We got Mr Peachy to nail a few holes in the cap of a bottle. Next we filled a bottle 3/4 full with vinegar and a bag full of baking soda. We dropped the bag in the bottle and screwed the cap on. Mrs D shook it and it squirted all over us.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

100 word challenge (Gumboots)

Beep beep. I can never get that noise out of my head. It’s the sound of my alarm at 3:30 every morning! It’s the holidays and dad loves to get fishing by 4:30am every morning. One day dad woke me up at 2:00 am! We were on the boat by 3:00am. “I hear there are some pretty big snapper today.” Dad said. I threw out my line and immediately I felt something tugging anxiously. I pulled and pulled. Suddenly I fell in! Splash! Dad tugged me out. I was drenched from head to toe. I will never forget that day.