Thursday, September 27, 2012

Term 3 refllection

My favourite parts of term 3...
  • the production
  • cross country
  • netball
My goals for term 4...

  • learn my 12, 7 and 9x tables
What I learnt...

  • how to make a voicethread
  • my 8 and 6 x tables

My diarama

This is my diarama about crocodiles. I did it  with Toby and Dakota.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


This is my reading book called buddy. Buddy is about a competitive boy named Josh and his disabled brother named Jake. My favourite part so far was at the start when Josh had a farting competitionn.I found it interesting that Josh has a disabled brother called Jake.

Monday, September 24, 2012


I have been learning fractions.Here are some examples.

  1. 1/3 of 12=4
  2. 1/3 of 27=9
  3. 2/3 of 27=18
  4. 1/5 of 25=5
  5. 3/5 of 25=15 (because 3x5=15)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fairy tale sketches

  1. I live in a castle
  2. I sleep next to the fireplace
  3. I have a fairy godmother
  4. I marry a prince
  5. I get bossed around alot
Who am I?

Friday, September 14, 2012


This is my 100WC. I hope you enjoy it. Please leave me a comment.

...Looking behind me, I saw...

a scary dragon like creature with 7 eyes, 12 feet, torn sharp wings and a wart on his right eyeball! “Aghhh!” This tall tree looks like it would be an easy climb. “Ouch! My knee” I escaped as quickly as Usain bolt! The monster was gaining my lead. “Help!” It was then I realized I was naked in the forest with no one to save me. The creature was really close now! “Chomp” It was all over now. Who even am I? I don’t care now. I’m dead meat! “Gulp”
“Somebody save me!” Who are my family? Help!”

By Courtney

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Colour Our World

This is the  under the sea group enjoying all their hard work.

This is a photo of the mermaids.I am the mermaid with the turquoise tail in the middle.

I enjoyed doing my dance in front of  lots of people. I was bubbling with exitement as we went on stage.
Tonight I am looking forward to being happy.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Here is a play that Loren and I performed to the class.
What did you enjoy about it? 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


                                                     W.A.L.T solve problems like 39+_____ = 73

  1. 37+42=79
  2. 17 +82=99
  3. 18+36=54
  4. 27+35=62
  5. 49+23=72
  6. 28+53= 81
  7. 37+24=61
I solved these problems by using  a number line. first I went to the tidiest ten and then I jumped to the answer.