Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Monday, July 8, 2013

Wow Reflection

This term the school's topic has been waste to wow. On Thursday the 28th of June the school put on a fashion show. Each class had to buddy up with another class and create costumes. Also each class had a theme.Our theme was nature.We got to get into groups to create our costumes. I was in a group with Katie, Sam, Latrell, Isabella, Harry and Harrison. Our inspiration was fantails.I got to be the model. Our costume had to be able to last until Thursday night. On Thursday night just as I was about to go on stage my skirt broke! Luckily we made a belt so we just tightened it up. After the show we had to take our costumes off. Then we got to eat some American lollies. If I had a chance to do the waste to wow show again I would change the costume by using more interesting materials.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Sock monkeys

In term 2 room 12 have been making sock monkeys. My sock monkey is pink with fluro polka dots.
Here is a photo of my monkey on the playground.