Thursday, October 25, 2012

Calendar art

This is my art for the school calendar this year.It is a picture of blossoms and birds.To make the background I dyed all of my paper green then  I put on some spots of blue dye with a sponge. The next day I drew branches with brown pastel. Next I painted some blossoms by mixing pink paint and using my fingers to create the shape of the blossom.Then I created birds out of wall paper and I stuck them on.I enjoyed using spare wall paper to make insects. I found it difficult to stick  the birds on the blossoms.Next time I will paint more blossoms on my branches.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Explanation writing

How milk gets from the cow to the supermarket

We all know milk is a healthy drink we all need to drink a lot but how does it get from the cow to the supermarket?

First the cows begin their life as a calf and it drinks its mums milk .Next the cows eat grass and their udder gets full. then the cows go to the milking shed to get milked. The milk then goes through barn in pipes that leads to the milk parlour. After that the milk gets stored in a refridgerated tank.The milk gets collected every 1-2 days.Next it gets tested.then it gets pumped into storage silos where it is processed and pasturised. After that it gets botteled and  put into crates and gets stored in a cool room then it goes to the supermarket.  

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My holiday

In the holidays I went to Swan Lake with my Granny and my cousin Lucy. Swan Lake was a ballet about a group of ladies who got turned into swans by the evil genius.The last time I went to a ballet I was only four years old. After the ballet I slept at my Granny's house with Lucy. The rest of the holiday went by quickly. That was some of  the things I did in my holiday.