Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My maths goal

This term I need to work on my 4 and 6 times tables by doing some at home.
1 x 4= 4
2 x 4=8
3 x 4=12
4 x4=16
5 x 4=20
1 x 6=6
2 x 6=12
3 x 6=18

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My cross country goal

This cross country I want to work on starting off slow and ending fast so I can finish not to far from first.

Project energise

Every Wednesday we have the project energise team come into our class to talk to us about healthy food. They do this by bringing fake food. They come so we can learn what types of food to eat.

First we sit in a circle. Next the project energise team tell us what we are learning about. Last they tell us what we are learning about the next week.

The project energise team is really nice because they always give us a poster and they teach us how much healthy food we need each day.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Term 3

For term 3 I want to work on my maths because I want to finish it on time. I am looking forward to having Mrs Bundy-Cooke as a teacher again.